Toks Dada features on Season 3 of ISPA’s ‘Meditations On’ Podcast
(International Society for the Performing Arts) – June 2023
Host, Ilter Ibrahimof, interviews three emerging leaders at high points in their respective careers – ‘Meditations On’ was recorded in front of a live audience during the New York 2023 ISPA Congress
‘It’s my age that’s the talking point, not that I’m black’: Toks Dada, the Southbank’s head of classical music
(The Guardian) – September 2022
With its new season opening this weekend, the Southbank Centre’s 32-year-old leader talks about how he’s shaping the venue to reflect classical music today, the magic of live music, and the challenge of keeping the lights – and the heating – on

Toks Dada: Bridging the gap between audience and artist
(The Strad) – December 2022
What do audiences really want from a classical concert and how do we keep them coming back time and time again? Ruth Hallows talks to the head of classical music at Southbank Centre, Toks Dada

Interview: Live on NPO Radio 4 at Wonderfeel 2022 (The Netherlands)
(NPO Radio 4) – July 2022
Toks Dada, Guest Curator at the 2022 edition of Wonderfeel, speaks to NPO Radio 4 about the 2022 festival programme

Spotlight On: Southbank Centre
(Classical Music Magazine) – July 2022
Joining the iconic London venue during the pandemic was a challenge, but head of classical music Toks Dada has found new ways to think about classical music as a result

For the Love of Music
(Brunswick Review – The Leadership Issue) – June 2021
Toks Dada, the new Head of Classical Music at London’s Southbank Centre, talks to Brunswick Review’s Carlton Wilkinson about social change and how the arts should respond

What’s hot for 2021 — the critics’ cultural barometer
(The Times) – January 2021
From Netflix to David Bowie, from Matthew Bourne to the return of Alan Partridge, we look at who and what are going up in the arts this year

Meet Toks Dada, Southbank’s youthful new classical music head
(The Telegraph) – December 2020
In his first ever interview, the 30-year-old reveals his plans for reform